Requirements to become an leader on platoon:

1. Have a K/D of about 1.15
2. Had not been report on none of my servers
3. Had no problems in other servers
4. Had no problems in the platoon
5. Must be least level 20

Note: If you met these requirements please contact me on I will make you leader

Admins Are:

joshuatodero13[Me], eliabe0000, and MARCOSRJ666

Note: To become an admin you got to be an leader on my platoon and have an K/D of about 1.15

How to contact me?

PSN: joshuatodero13
Battlelog: XxSlayerXx1546
Cell: (828)216-3361
Home: (828)505-0614
Facebook: Joshua Todero
Twitter: Josh Todero

 Note: If you call me and I don't answer please leave a voicemail saying you full name and why you call me for. The best way to contact me is by email, because half of the time I don't answer my phone or the home phone. If you are gonna email me please put for the subject OdOd Clan and at the end of the email put your full name, PSN or Xbox Live account name, and your phone number.

Rules for my servers on BF3

1. No camping unless you are an sniper
2. No Bitching
3. No Trolling
4. No C4 on flags(Conquest only)
5. No shotguns(Rush only)
6. Don't give Admins an hard time on my servers
7. Don't annoy other players
8. No Gliches
9. No M203's

Note: You will be banned on the 2nd kick if you didn't follow the rules

Note for Admins: if somebody doesn't follow the rules please give them a warning and if they don't listen ban them

Any Questions or Problems? Contact me right away

About this Platoon/Clan

Two things about this Platoon/Clan is that we die fighting and we don't give up. This is also on OdOd Clan Emblem